Enhancing Sports Performance and Injury Treating with essential oils

The essential oils have long been used by athletic trainers and sports massage therapists to support the health and performance of their athletes. Aromatherapy massage is used both before and after workouts and competition, to improve performance, speed recovery, and reduce the risk of injury. Many perfumes and lotions for sore muscles are essential oils and essential oil extracts (such as & # 39; Tiger Balm & # 39;, & # 39; Ben Gay & # 39;, etc). Modern medical aromatherapy literature describes the use of oil to even accelerate healing of both chronic and acute injuries commonly seen in sports. Here is an overview of the many ways to use essential oils to keep any athlete interested in natural health and fitness perform their best.

The essential oils can contribute to the health and fitness of athletes in many ways, the most common being the before and after exercise (or competition) massage. Long used by top athletes around the world, sports massage with essential oils plays an important role in warming up muscles before exercise and remove lactic acid (thereby speeding recovery) after a hard effort. Massage formulas often these essential oils – Eucalyptus, the invigoration, distribution and opening the airways; Lavender, with anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, relaxing spas, and brings mental calm without anesthesia; Rosemary relieves pain, stimulates the mind and body, and has a warming effect on muscles; Juniper Berry, used following the workout formula, detoxifies and helps eliminate lactic acid from the muscles; and Sweet Marjoram which helps relieve muscle spasms in the muscles exercised.

Blending own massage formulas for pre- and post-exercise massage is simple – just between 10 and 30 drops total of essential oils to each ounce of carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed and Hazelnut are good choices). Generally, the more essential oil in the mixture, the more it will stimulate; lower concentration of essential oils will be more relaxing. For pre-workout to warm and loosen muscles, airway and awaken mind, trying eight drops Rosemary, four drops of lavender and four drops Eucalyptus essential oil to each ounce of carrier oil Peppermint can be used in place of lavender if you & # 39; Re really looking for & # 39; go & # 39; – However, if you & # 39; Re prone to anxiety before endeavors, stick with Lavender. Use light, quick invigorating massage strokes. For after exercise, a little deeper massage can be performed with long strokes towards the heart – this will help remove lactic acid and other metabolic waste products. Try eight drops of lavender, four drops of juniper berry and four drops Sweet Marjoram, or, when the muscles are very over used, try eight drops Eucalyptus, eight drops peppermint and eight drops Ginger essential oils.

Aromatherapy oils can be used before and after bathing practice and showers as well, using the same oils and preparations mentioned above . Be sure to add oil to the bathwater after the bath is drawn so they do not evaporate before you get in before showers, essential oils can be applied undiluted to the body. this is especially noted on post-exercise to support the elimination of metabolic waste. One drop each of rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils can be ideal for this purpose. After a shower or bath is a good time to apply the massage mixed with whole body – the pores are open and your skin is clean, enhance absorption. Select stimulating or relaxing mix depends on your condition.

Essential Oils & # 39; medicinal value goes beyond just heat up and cool down rubs. In many sports, the stronger healing properties often required due to cuts and scrapes, bruises, twists and sprains. Essential oils can powerful healer of the skin, muscles and connective tissue. Many oils are known to have strong anti-inflammatory action, and contain certain molecules that signal tissue regeneration. And, of course, it & # 39; s stress relieved & # 39; Aromatherapy & # 39; factor, which further increases the healing process.

To treat bruises and strains, it is no match for concurrent molecules making up Helichrysum essential oil. Helichrysum (also known as everlasting oil), is touted by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D :. "Used for bruises, sprains and twisted ankles – usually accompanied by inflammation and subsequent bleeding – this oil turns out to be almost a wonder cure." Keeping a small bottle of hand is wise, as with most treatments involving inflammation, quick application gives the best results. In cases bruises, twists strains or isolates, apply the oil directly to the affected area immediately, then apply often as ten percent dilution in any carrier oil until healed (oil will help with a serious injury, but is not a substitute for proper medical care if necessary). A blend of Helichrysum and Jojoba can also be used for chronic injuries such as tendonitis – simply rub a small amount in the affected area several times a day.

Active athletes and fitness buffs will often result minor cuts and wounds. Essential oils are an excellent choice for caring for these wounds because of antiseptic and soothing effects. A 50/50 blend of Tea Tree and Lavender is a wonderful, all-around healer skin. The Tea Tree prevent infection while lavender soothes area. Directly to cuts and scrapes after wounds have been properly cleansed. If this is too much for younger mix, simply apply a drop or two of gauze part of the Band-Aid and cover the wound for the same effect. The proportion of the Lavender Tea Tree can also be increased for even more calming result.

Other than live sports-related use of essential oils, overall health and fitness of all athletes should be supported in a top performance. During periods of particularly intensive training or competition, athletes may be particularly susceptible to infectious illnesses – colds, flu, and the like. Blows eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree and / or lemon in your home can reduce the risk of illness or the spread of the common cold. Niaouli essential oils, a relative of Eucalyptus, oil is also good to support the immune system. The oil is recommended to apply the neat whole body after shower for best absorption and impact (using 10-20 drops). A strong immune system goes a long way to keep athletes happy and in top form.

This is a brief overview of many common applications aromatherapy to support health, fitness and performance of any athlete. There are many varieties of essential oils suggested – if one oil find offensive, of stimulants, etc., try another, as this is usually the body & # 39; s natural way to say the timing of a particular oil is not right, or the oil is not in accordance with the individual & # 39; s chemistry at the moment. With a little research and experimentation, effective and rewarding blend of essential oils can improve almost all athletes health, fitness and competitive efforts.

Source by Misty Rae Cech

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