Matthew Arnold is really a great fighter for real dominant culture in the community of London. He finds the state of materialism that is trying to strangle the real culture. So, in this section, Arnold does society England into three categories – the aristocratic class, middle class and working class. He finds Anarchy very common in these categories and distinguishes them with their virtues and defects. He appointed his aristocratic class time Barbas middle of the Philistines and the working class population.
his examination of the three classes of his time proves him good experienced reviewers. For the aristocratic class, he looks that this category lacks sufficient courage for resistance. He calls this class of savages because they believe in their personal individualism, freedom and do as one wants; they had a great passion for the field of sports. manly exercise their strength and good looks are definitely in the aristocratic class of his time. courtesy of chivalry-like savages, and external styles of behavior, performance and power inherited from the barbarians.
The second type is the middle class or the Philistines, known by mundane wisdom, expert in the industry and are found engaged in industrialization and trade. eternal inclination is to progress and prosperity in the country by building cities, railroads and run a great bike industry. They have produced the greatest mercantile navy. So they are empire builders. This material progress, the working class is with them. All keys progress in their hands.
The second type is the working class or the population. This type is known raw and semi-developed because of poverty and other related diseases. This type is mostly used by barbarians and the Philistines. The author believes democratic draw in this category because they are getting political consciousness and are coming out of their hiding places to say English person & # 39; s heaven- born privilege to do as he likes, meeting where he wants, bawling what he wants and break what he wants.
Although such class system, Arnold finds common ground of human nature in all. So, the spirit of sweetness and light can be established. Even Arnold calls himself Philistine rises above the level of his birth and social status in their search for perfection, sweetness and light and culture. He further said that all three categories happiness what they want. For example, Barbarians like honor and respect, the field of sports and pleasure. Philistines to as fanaticism, business and money making and comfort and tea meetings, but residents class, hated by both categories, like shouting, hustling and great beer. They all hold different activities with their social status. However, there are some souls in these categories hoped for cultivation with the desire to know about its best or to see things as they are. They have the desire to pursue a reason to do the will of God to prevail.
In the pursuit of perfection, it does not just lie in brilliant or talented individuals, but also in all categories. Actually, love or the pursuit of perfection is within the approach of the people. He calls man of culture as a true nurse pursue love and sweetness and light. He finds such individuals in all three categories of general human spirit for the pursuit of perfection. He says that the right source of power is the best self or the right reason to be reached by culture.
The Best Self or right reason & the Ordinary Self:
This section describes him best self or the right reason and ordinary ones that can be found in search for perfection only. In this connection he speaks of bathos, surrounded by nature in the human soul, is presented in the literary opinion of some critics of literature and in some religious America. He further said that the idea the best hair itself is very difficult for the pursuit of perfection in literature, religion and even politics. The political system prevailing at the time, were savages. Leaders and politicians sang praises barbarians to win the favor of aristocrats. Tennyson in his poetry celebrates the glory of the great broad-shouldered genial Englishman with his sense of duty and reverence for the law. Arnold asserts that Tennyson is to sing the praises of the Philistines, because this middle class is the backbone of the country's running. Politicians sing praises residents to make their favors. Indeed, they play with their feelings, have shown the brightest powers of sympathy and right power operations. All these praises are only clap-trap and trick to get applause. It is a taste of the bathos surrounded by nature in the human soul and turns normal self. The regular self propel readers to misguide people. It is more admirable, but the advantages are entertained by the representatives of the ruling and men.
Arnold slope to the right reason first authority that has appeal to your best self. All categories must follow it, otherwise anarchy will be strengthened, and they will do what they want to do. In education, he wants to conquer the best ones because it was in danger. He is of the opinion that when one person & # 39; s particular type of taste for the bathos tyrannize over another person & # 39; s, as a result, the right reason or the best ones will not dominate in education. He insists that the right reason, authority in the matter of education. Situation in education arises about the lack of intellectual flexibility educationists who neglect best self or right reason and are trying to appeal to the genial taste for the bathos; and pull it to its natural operation and infinite variety of experiments.
Arnold wants to reform education by moving the management of public schools from the old Board of Trustees to the state. As politics, education, the danger lies in the unchecked and unguided individual actions. All operations must be marked with the real reason or the best individual self. It is the opinion of some people, the state can not interfere in matters of education. Liberal party they believe in freedom, individual freedom to do as one wants and keep the interference of the state in education is a violation of personal freedom. Arnold says that such ideal personal freedom is still an indefinite distance.
The role of Arnold & # 39; s culture is that each person must act for themselves and will be perfect ones. Chosen people or groups must dedicate themselves to the pursuit of perfection, and it seems to be accepted by Humboldth, German philosopher, if the pursuit of perfection. Culture will make them perfect on their own basis. So, it is necessary that one must try to seek human perfection by launching the best self or his real reason; culture, ultimately, would find the official reason.