On each hatred is necessary in this world and helps refine the basic aggression our
Hate or hatred as love is one of the most personal feelings the wording could be widely varied and even too subtle to hire. Hatred is truly the opposite of love because the manifestation of hatred is almost like a manifestation of love. This is because in most cases only two people, one who hates and the one who is hated seem to perceive the underlying dynamics of the relationship or feelings involved and other people may be unaware. There could be some reasons for hatred and this may be related to envy, fear, ideology or power issues. For example, excessive jealousy towards siblings could do other siblings hate him or fear of oppression by powerful people could lead to hatred of the less privileged people. Power issues could often lead to hate or even love hate relationship that man feeling supervision or control over his wife could get into power struggles or some sort of love-hate relationship with it. A terrorist or religious group could hate people from other groups because of ideological differences.
Hatred like love, need some kind of attachment, you need to think enough of a man to hate them. Hate like love would also be rather obsessive and addictive, although as extreme love (especially romantic) for a person would lead to sexual intimacy, extreme hatred person would lead to violence. Thus hatred, is also a form of passion, acting as aggression rather than sex. Thus, if according to Freudian psychoanalysis, sex and aggression are two basic instincts, love and hate are two basic and most fundamental of our feelings as any other feelings are built. A newborn baby would either love his mother & # 39; s breasts or hate it, she would love to be touched and go around their caregivers or hate the process and this would result in others her feelings of happiness, sadness, etc.
Considering how or why hatred could occur in individuals, it is possible to define two types of hatred in people
1. Personal Hatred – This can be active with a friend or an enemy, a colleague, a family member or someone you know in the social circle. Personal hatred for people you know personally and cares enough to hate them. Manifestation of this kind of hatred is generally subtle and only two people involved would understand or feel the influence of emotions. With family such as spouse or parent, personal hatred could be the interaction of both love and hate as power dynamics come into the picture. Power struggles with the husband or father could often lead to this kind of love-hate equation and would reflect in your other close personal relationships. Personal hatred could often lead to a more general form of hatred. This leads to the next type of hatred.
2. General Hatred – Hatred could be very personal or be general and focused group. This type of hatred directed towards certain groups or types of people and appeared in hatred for whites, hatred for blacks, hatred for Jews, hatred for Muslims, hatred for men, hatred for women and so on. This kind of hatred is more general though may well be triggered because of personal experience. For example, a woman with a negative experience with a man, can hate all men or a black man who has faced some form of discrimination in society can develop hatred towards all white. This type of hatred could encourage racial or gender related and of course these specific conditions and anti-Semitism, misogyny, etc. This kind of hatred is less personal and shared with other members of the community and the more social form of hatred, the type of personal hatred. Terrorist groups show hatred toward certain groups or people to share this type of hatred motivated by ideological stance. Politicians hate the other party members are also motivated by ideology or power concerns. The group is based or general hatred is thus further classified as social hatred, sexual or gender, racial or ideological hatred.
The underlying psychological dynamics hatred is usually explained by our need to release aggression. Aggression as sex is one of the fundamental and basic instincts and as we release sexual our energy by developing sexual relationships and explore feelings of love, feelings of hatred helps us to release the aggressive tendencies of our and could be fundamental to the well of our being . It is almost necessary to hate as it is necessary to love. But this does not mean that aggressive tendencies and emotions of hatred will be released through violence or any other form of destructive action of hatred that we feel can not be controlled as love can not be controlled, but our measures of these emotions can be controlled . For example, you may well love someone for several months or even years but decide to act on it and embark on some sort of platonic love affair. Similarly, you can hate someone and still keep some kind of platonic hate relationship without becoming violent or even subtly aggressive.
appropriate direct or directed sexual or love needs through the creation and the time Freud & # 39; sublimation & # 39; works well for hatred and hatred can be addressed successfully through sports, or other kinds of aggressive activity. Even love or sexual needs can be controlled or directly when you participate in aggressive sports. So, the next time you feel the need to release the passion, possibly caused by sexual or aggressive instincts, just engage in some aggressive competitive sports and you will feel much better. If you think of love which is a type of sexual need, but more refined, you may need to engage in creative pursuits. Hatred could thus also be a refined form of aggression and hatred delivers through writing, discussion or constructive criticism could be a creative way out.
Hatred I have tried to explain here is not all that bad, it is a form of passion, necessary release aggressive instincts and really refined expression of aggression, just as love is more refined expression of desires. If love is a sugar coating on our actual sexual desires, hatred is just salt layer underlying our aggressive desires. The feeling of love exists as a lid, like a filter so that human sexual expression remains controlled and civilized. Similarly, feeling hate exist so that human expression of aggression and still controlled within limits. You will see many cards, billboards and handouts ask the people in this world should somehow & # 39; Stop hatred & # 39; that seems a kind of motto for human life. It is almost impossible to stop the hatred, it is a basic human emotion, and in a civilized society it is almost necessary to hate just as it is necessary to love so there is no out of unbridled aggression through violence. What we can stop the other hand, negative expression of hatred that is manifested through violence and other destructive tendencies and direct the aggressive tendencies of our creative through art, literature, politics, sports, public debates and other constructive channels self-expression.
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Source by Saberi Roy